Migratory Songbirds

Rose Breasted Grosbeak
Can be found spending the winter in the forest canopy of our coffee farms in Costa Rica, Honduras and Mexico

Wood Thrush
Enjoys the tree tops of the forest canopy of our coffee farms in Costa Rica, Venezuela and Mexico

Baltimore Oriole
Loves to spend the winter in the Rainforest above our coffee farms in Mexico, Costa Rica, Honduras and Venezuela

Scarlet Tanager
Calls the forest canopy of our coffee farms in Venezuela home in the winter

Hammonds Flycatcher
Hangs out high in the trees of our coffee farms in Honduras and Guatemala for the winter

Canadian Warbler
Finds a winter home in the Rainforest of our coffee farms in Peru

Blackpoll Warbler
Joins the Canadian Warbler in the forest canopy of our coffee farms in Peru

Common Yellowthroat
Has fun making it's nests in the coffee shrubs on our farms in Guatemala

Cerulean Warbler
Finds a winter refuge in the Rainforest above our coffee farms in Peru and Bolivia where we source beans for our espresso blend

Red Throated Hummingbird
Enjoys the Rainforest and flowers found in the winter of our coffee farms in El Salvador

Wilson's Warbler
Stays warm in the winter in the forest canopy of our coffee farms in Guatelmala

American Golden Plover
Finds a winter habitat in the Rainforest canopy of our coffee farms in Bolivia where we source beans for our espresso blend

Purple Martin
Flies to the Rainforest of our coffee farms in Bolivia where we source beans for our espresso blend